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Sandi Jadi Ulama, Kuasa Simbol

“Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us,” – Friedrich Nietzsche Pinterpolitik.com  Sebutan ulama untuk Sandiaga Uno menuai kontroversi....

Imitation Game ala Jokowi

"Socially, everything is just inventions and imitations." - Gabriel Tarde Pinterpolitik.com   Peperangan dalam tajuk Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2019 sebentar lagi dimulai. Dua kubu sudah menyiapkan strategi...

Prabowo Tersandera GNPF Ulama?

“It is impossible to imagine effective democracies without effective leaders.” – Kenneth P. Ruscio Pinterpolitik.com Ijtima Ulama II telah usai dilangsungkan. Pertemuan yang diprakarsai oleh Gerakan...

Bioskop, Political Advertising Jokowi

“Politics is who gets what, when, and how.” – Harold Laswell Pinterpolitik.com Video iklan yang menunjukkan keberhasilan pemerintahan Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) dan Jusuf Kalla dalam membangun...

Aksi Mahasiswa Riau, Waspada Jokowi?

“Setiap generasi pemuda di panggung sejarah gerakan politik di Indonesia merupakan anak dari jamannya.” – Benedict Anderson Pinterpolitik.com Mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)...

Blusukan, Ma’ruf Pagari NU

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln Pinterpolitik.com Kampanye Pemilihan Presiden...

JC, Jalan Aman Tersangka Korupsi

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton Pinterpolitik.com Eni Maulani Saragih, politisi Partai Golkar sekaligus Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR yang...

Hati-Hati Rupiah, Menuju 1998?

 “There’s one overwhelming fact about crises: mainstream economists do not see them coming.” – Chris Dillow Pinterpolitik.com Nilai tukar mata uang negara-negara berkembang alias emerging markets...

Ngabalin, Topeng Jokowi

“Symbolic interaction emphasized a close relationship - an exchange - between symbol and interaction. These exchanges produced special meanings and interpretations, unique for each...

Kasasi Jokowi dan Tragedi Asap

"Natural disasters do not only threaten lives or damage property; they can severely affect societies and their socio-political structures." - Frederike Albrecht Pinterpolitik.com Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)...

Duterte, Kawan Jokowi

"Tackling the manifold problems in the tri-border area (Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines) will require some heavy lifting by concerned states." - Prashanth Parameswaran Pinterpolitik.com Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte bertemu dengan Duta Besar...

Kekuatan Tagar, Waspada Jokowi!

“In 2010 there was the Arab Spring and the European anti-austerity movement, which both used hashtags to brand what they were doing.” - Heather Gautney Pinterpolitik.com Tanda pagar...

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