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Trump Rules – John Zachary Series

Wayne Allyn Root is a conservative American author and radio host. He is the host of The Wayne Allyn Root Show on KBET and the USA Radio Network and formerly on Newsmax TV. He was an opinion columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Root was the Vice Presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party in the 2008 presidential election. In 2012, he left the Libertarian Party, rejoined the Republican Party, and endorsed and voted for Mitt Romney. In 2016 and 2020 he supported Donald Trump’s campaign. In this episode, John talked with him about his new book “Trump Rules”.

#JohnZacharySeries #WayneAllynRoot #WayneRoot

Baca juga :  Sejarah Kedai Kopi dan Politik: Kisah Minuman Politik Perlawanan Ottoman Atas Budaya Eropa

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